ID 10466332466408077683
Name SigccNFT
Description TESTNET Be owner of Sigcc keywords, support the project and also make an investment! The first multi function and multi items smart contract on Signum blockchain, created with Sigcc. Available items: asm, break, const, continue, do, else, exit, for, goto, halt, if, long, return, sleep, struct, void, while. Send a message to get an updated website with instructions and NFT status! General commands: "status item", "buy item", "bid item". Owner only commands: "hold item", "sell item price", "auction item startingbid". Only unencrypted messages are processed. Contract activation amount is 2 signa. Partial activation is refunded for simple commands. Support fee for Sigcc is 3% deducted from seller during ownership transfer. Auction ends in 1 day after last accepted bid and has an additional gas fee of 1 signa. If a transaction arrives two hours before an auction end, contract stays awake to avoid delays on payments, else, it will be ended at next incoming message before processing it.
Creation Block 310173
Version 2
Activation 2.0 TSIGNA
($1.85 @ $0.925 per TSIGNA)
Code Hash ID 12947961219778540858
State bytes
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